Aerogel: Marketing Tactics

Week #31: Building Social Awareness Of The Filter

Carlos Manuel Jarquín Sánchez
4 min readFeb 10, 2023

Preface! ✨

Hello everyone!

My intentions for writing these articles are:

  • Explain technical information about aerogels in simple terms (to the public)
  • Store information and habits for my future self and others (in <7 minutes)

Coolio? Sweet. Enjoy the series :-)

Why Marketing? 💬

Building a relatively new product in a market lacks comparison.

Most people would not know HOW to compare our product to existing filters…

Here’s the catch.

They will have no idea how to value it, what it does, & its benefits to their lives.

Time to double down on educating the people about the filter and its products.

Why would they buy something they don’t know how to value, let alone use?

People tend to use whatever their loved ones used.

The bridge of trust was already established and required fewer decision-making filters & brainpower.

Additionally, the need was sold, not the actual product.

You will do a lot of educational training during the sales cycle about our product to our target customers & the market.

For content creation, organic media can be multiplied without anyone’s permission. This includes FB, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

Brand the filter like how celebrities brand themselves on social media…

Content Requires Zero Permission & Replicates On Its Own

Marketing Proposal 📄

The proposal is divided into four pieces:

  1. Pricing
  2. Plaza (Market)
  3. Product
  4. Promotion

The summary of The Marketing Proposal can be found here 👇

1️⃣ Pricing

The price must be considerate of the people’s budget.


People will find a way to buy something if its perceived value is worth more than anything they currently possess/pay for.

If the filter were to cost 1500 MXN (80.34 USD) per month, two possibilities occur:

“Oh, what the fuck! Hell nah!”

(Perceived value is low, they can’t find the worth of the product)


“OK. But how will I pay for this? It’s way over my income!

(The next step is to give them payment options)

The next consideration is the type of payment method you would offer for the filters. All of them are discussed in this article…👇

But the methods are:

  1. Payment By Installment
  2. Microcredits
  3. Individual Units / Package Units
  4. Charge by type of customer / Cross-Subsidizing

2️⃣ Plaza (Market)

The second step is considering where you would sell the purifiers in Mexico.

A water filter would make sense to be sold in a home department/hardware store in the village. (Rotoplas, Home Depot, etc.)

Another quality location would be the large pharmacy stores for health-related intentions with the condition that they’re accessible to any individual across the country. (FarmaPronto, Farmacia De Similares, etc.)

The last product would be an online store with WhatsApp integration. For the online store, simply add the address, and the kit/filter + manual would be sent to your location.

3️⃣ Product

There are two designs to be wary of:

  • Filter, Tray, Attachable Hose, & Heavy Metal Ion Storage
  • User’s Manual

The product would be stored and sent. The user’s manual will allow both you & the final customer to not waste money on someone to set up the filter for personal needs or a faucet.

4️⃣ Promotion

This is the largest piece for when the filter starts pilot testing.

How will you market & promote our value to the world?

For physical locations, promoting the product on public plazas, education workshops on water, and art designs spark a culture/religion toward clean water.

Note: Some people are aware of the catastrophes in their environment, and it’ll be easier to promote quality space.

Aligning ourselves with sustainable water companies and organizations allows us to boost our perceived value and orient ourselves with larger objectives like the United Nations SDGs. (i.e. Isla Urbana, Educa Oaxaca, etc.)

The last area is our online marketing campaign. The best places to send our stories would be online blogs about water. Specifically, the blogs would be on water education, water trucks, hardware/home, sustainable products, etc.

Additionally, uploading the updates of our projects allow for more transparency, but also admitting our deficiencies permit our strengths to be more believable when presented to our customers.

Closing Thoughts 💭

I may walk slowly, but I never walk backward.

- Abraham Lincoln

You’ll keep fighting for our chance to walk the decade and demonstrate the ability of impulse control.

If there is something that has allowed my team to remain a family, it is…


We could have allowed the vision, story, and struggles to knock us out.

But NO.

Do not tolerate this fate.

If we play games that require a decade-vision, patience, and low arrogance…

And win. 💡

Marketing Tactics Is Complete. ✔️

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© 2023 by Carlos Manuel Jarquín Sánchez. All Rights Reserved.



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